Full-stack application with CRUD functionality. I created a Postgres database which used a Python Django API with the Django REST framework to serve its data. The front-end is built with React and uses CSS and Bootstrap for styling. The database utilised many to one and many to many relationships.
The app is a catalogue of design aesthetics that have influenced mainstream culture and consumer ephemera from the middle of the 20th century - based on Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute (CARI) and Pinterest. Users can register and log in to enable them to add, delete and edit posts through a secure route. These posts can be categorised under chosen aesthetics and tags. They are also able to comment on individual posts.
React app that consumes the Art Institute of Chicago's open-source API. The app allows users to navigate the AIC's regularly updated collection of art through filters and a search bar. I took charge of the UX/UI design of the app, using a mixture of React Bootstrap and Sass.
MERN stack application with CRUD functionality using Mongoose ORM, Bootstrap and Sass. The app is focused around National Parks in the UK and users can navigate through national park related information through an interactive map (implementing MapBox GL JS).
I contributed backend functionality - database schema, middleware, database requests (get, post, delete) & endpoints, seeding & seed data, routing and part of the authentication process. I created frontend requests for logging in, registering and showing a logged in user's information, the ability for a user to add/remove favourites and display this on their profile page. I led the UI/UX design of the Nav bar and login/register pages, styling mostly with Sass.
React Bootstrap
In my spare time I like to create things.
I have been learning on and off since a teenager and have had the opportunity to visit. ζ₯ζ¬θͺγγ‘γγ£γ¨εγγΎγγ
I enjoy both digital and film and have recently gotten into portrait photography. Some of my work can be viewed here.
I like to capture and edit footage from holidays. I also enjoy starting my own mini projects that often mix phone video, 3D renders (from Blender) and motion graphics. Some of my work can also be viewed here.
After transitioning to a plant-based diet I started to read, watch and listen to a lot of nutrition or food related media